Monday, October 1, 2012

Cars in Japan - funny names and customs

Sorry for the absence from the bloggosphere, but we received our household goods! Great news, but it means more time spent unpacking and less time exploring.  I promise my next blog will include something about our house on base!  It is finally starting to look like a home.

In the meantime, here's something interesting and unique to Japan. 
Most of the car names we have seen are verbs:
A Spike, a Scrum, and a March ...

We have seen a Note, a Dunk, and a Move

How about a Logo, a Vitz (which means joke in German) , and a Joy?

But none of these can compare to THE CHODE! 

Now if anyone has a clue what that means, please let me know!  And why do you think the Japanese want English words (odd English words) to describe their cars?  The car I am wanting is called a Moco and it is so cute!  It looks kind of like a square shaped bug.  Our current car, a Honda CRV, is great and runs well but as it gets colder and the rainy season begins, I think we need two cars.  

Interesting things to note are that the Japanese people all back into parking spots.  They are good at it and parking is fast for them.  The cars have a button that retracts the side mirrors and cars are usually parked all tucked in. I also love the unique way they have found to park with limited space.  They have parking  that is like a car elevator.  A car goes on and rises up and another car parks underneath. 

Finally, I saw this guy in a parking garage and had to take a picture.  Why a person would want it to look like they were in the drivers seat I don't know.  They don't have car pool lanes but this image would fool many in the states!

Stay tuned for another update soon.  On my next blog I will give you a tour of our home and a glimpse of what is now our normal life in Atsugi. 

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it is like Americans with their Japanese tattoos!
