Manhole covers
Japanese put human effort into making their environment beautiful and this includes their manhole covers. Each one seems to be different and some are even painted. I take a picture every time I can (without getting run over)! I would love to make some prints and frame them as a group. When you walk past one that is exceptional it is like you just received a special gift available only to those who take the time to really look.
We have a lot of critters. We have a constant hum/buzz//vibration of cicadas. They are really loud. My Dad has tinnitus and I think I have a new found idea of what it must be like when his ears are really ringing. When I first heard it I thought it was an equipment sound and it really took a few days for me to believe it was derived from nature! They are shedding right now and we found 6 perfectly empty exoskeletons that look like they made a small slit in the back and slipped out. They are not my favorite.
We also have big nasty black crows that are mean and aggressive. People with small children are briefed not to allow their children to eat a sandwich outside. Crows will fly down, take the food, and scare a kids half to death. I think Alfred Hitchcock made a trip to Japan before he filmed The Birds. My mother-in-law has never been a crow fan. They will be moving further down her list after their visit in November!

The grand finale is this fabulous centipede-like catterpillar . It was crawling along and has a little antennae on its back that bobs from side to side! It looked just like the dragons the Chinese are always parading under for Chinese New Year! Some of the centipedes are poisonous and can bite. I never want to see one in my house but I enjoyed this beauty outside!

The Japanese have fallen in love with bread and as I looked around their store with a bread section three times the size of ours, the days are numbered for their skinny little bodies! They also had a wall of bacon. It was bacon cured many different ways, cut in many different thicknesses and in general as much bacon as I have ever seen. The cart escalator was a new experience and they trays of sushi we got for lunch were amazing. I will be there often.

We have found a really cool Japanese/English church that reminds us a lot of our home church, Vineyard Community Church in Va Beach. Here is their web site It was started from a church in Hawaii and we actually say Aloha at the beginning of the service like we are at a luau! It is wonderful but it does require a few trains to get there and we are not sure yet if we have landed there. We also like being a part of the base community church and that is of course a 5 minute drive. Time will tell but check out the web site! It is so cool to sing familiar songs in half English, half Japanese!
I have so many more stories to tell! The next update has to be about cars. They have the funniest names and driving here is really a trip. I had a couple of sad days last week. I would have loved to sit with a friend and just be......the newness of everything can be exhausting. This too shall pass and it wont be long until this adventure will come to a close and we'll be back home. In the mean time, stay tuned!!
how very awesome...but you know what..puppies are about that here! :) when I worked in a petstore a rotty would be 900. now they can be 1800. english bullys like our silas are 2500. thankfully we rescued him! however...back to the man holes..I would love to see more! they look like they would make GREAT tattoos! :) I love the way you write! keep writing...we miss you...but Japan is lucky to have ya! :) God Bless you all!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to come photograph your new neighborhood (manhole covers, subway "hell" and all!).
ReplyDeleteLeslie, Love your blog. Japan sounds exciting and a new adventure. I really like the manhole covers. Nice art to frame and put on your walls. We went with the youth on retreat and had a blast. They are truly the self-less faith generation with such pure love for Jesus. My Gabby will be singing on the worship team. She auditioned about a month ago and was told at camp she made the cut. Thinking of you always,
Another great post! I love the idea of taking snaps of the manhole covers and then converting them into prints.
ReplyDeleteOops, I stopped reading after you mentioned the "wall of bacon." I ❤ bacon! :-)
I wonder if pets are so "expensive" there because of the space (for playing, exercising, pooping, etc) is at a minimum. Which is a "perfect" transition to this question. "Is Japan as cluttered with people and the living spaces so small (as compared to the US) as we see on television and movies?
Thanks for sharing your adventures! You and yours are in my thoughts!
Peace and long life!
I love the stories and following all that you are doing. I'm sorry you are having sad days and I hope in time you can just learn to live in the moment because, as you said, it will be over in no time and you will be back in the states. I can't wait to visit next year and experience all these new things with you. Love you and miss you.
ReplyDeleteLeslie, I'm so glad to have found your blog. I love hearing about all the small details - makes me feel like I'm there with you. Miss you all! Love, Belinda